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Layout setup

When you wish to display any content in a web page (WebSpace), you have to first create a layout for that content.  Actually, the layout is really an object that holds content panels, not the content itself, but in order for content panels to exist, you must first create a layout.  A Layout can consist of 1-3 columns, with each column having any number of rows of content panels. 

The responsive design framework upon which Websby is based (used by Twitter and Facebook, and many, many other sites) divides the page up into a series of 12 columns.  12 Columns is far too many to manage, so Websby is designed to aggregate columns into groups and you can group the page width into up to 3 columns.

Because of all of this, Websby Layouts, you must adhere to the following rule:  A layout width, regardless of the number of columns, must add up to 12.

This means that if you choose a single column layout, it will automatically be set to a width of 12 - meaning that the content in the panel will span the entire page.

If, however, you create a 2 column layout, you can decide the relative width of each column, as long as the sum is 12.  For example, a column 1 width of 9 would mean that column 2 must be set to 3 and the content in column 1 will take up 75% of the width of the page, while the column 2 content will be only 25%.  This is useful as sometimes content isn't very wide by nature (eg a list of calendar events) while other content looks better with some space (eg school news).

This applies to 3 column layouts the same way.

While the basic Layout Setup is self explanatory, there are a number of other fields that can dramatically affect how a layout functions.  The following is a fairly complicated graphic, of this form, with explanations of each field's function below it.


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Form Descriptions

Layout Creation and Configuration - Extra Properties





A Layout can be configured in a number of powerful ways to change how it behaves.  Each layout can have a title that can be displayed on the web or not.  If not displayed, the title can still be useful in keeping straight which layout you are working with in a multi-layout page.



Checking the Display Title on the Web checkbox will tell Websby to display the title you have entered into the Title field.  The title area will automatically span the web page width.


The Dashboard Link is always visible when the content objects are being displayed in the middle panel of the screen.  Clicking the Dashboard link will return you to the view pictured above.


Pages can be accessed by clicking on either of the Pages icons.  Doing so will replace the center section of the screen with the list of pages / documents located in the current WebSpace. From this listing area, you can edit existing documents or add new ones.  


The News Feed is almost exactly like any other group Feed in Edsby.  Feed posts in Websby do not require approval or special publishing to the web to be visible on the web. The News Feed icon or the Feed icon / word combination will expose the feed in the middle of the screen.


The calendar icon in the middle or icon / word combination at left will replace the middle area of the screen with the current WebSpace Calendar.


The folders area allows you to create new folders or modify existing ones.  Clicking the Folder icon in the middle of the screen or clicking the icon / word combination at left accomplish the same thing and will replace the middle area of the screen with the Folders Listing.  Note:  You can create a folder directly by clicking the small icon to the right of the icon / word combination in the left column.


Any WebSpace can contain other WebSpaces. In the case of the Root WebSpace, all WebSpaces that make up the entire website are accessed through the WebSpaces area. You may click on the large central icon or the icon / word combination at left to replace the middle of the screen with the WebSpaces Listing.  You can open any WebSpace in the list directly from the list below the icon / word combination in the left column.  Note:  You can also add a WebSpace directly by clicking the small icon to the left of the word / icon combination.


Available only from the Root WebSpace, the Open In Browser icon, located both in the middle of the screen, and on the Websby Header Bar, will open the current website in a browser.


The School icon is only available from the Root WebSpace and clicking on it will take you out of the Websby interface and back to the School Root Screen in Edsby.
Web Manager Series Video Tutorials
Web Publisher Series Tutorial Videos
Websby Logo associated with a link to change the website to the editing mode