The Websby Root WebSpace Dashboard Screen

Root Webspace Dashboard Screen

The Root WebSpace, also known as the Home WebSpace is the most important area in the website. It represents both the School's Home Page and also the Web Manager's configuration and management console.  From this screen, Web Managers can, amongst other things:

  • Create and edit the content for the school home page
  • Set the layout for the school home page
  • create and edit colors, fonts, and configuration forms for the content displayed throughout the website

Websby WebSpaces are laid out such that content type options and access are on the left side and configuration options are on the right.  The center area of the screen is generally replaced with the screen associated with whatever icon you click.     

 The WebSpace Admins column at the far right lets you know who has administrative access to the  current webspace, and also any Web Publishers who have a link to it as well.      

The image below shows the Dashboard view of the root WebSpace.  Clicking on the various icons will present you with different views, but you can always return to the default, or dashboard view of the WebSpace by clicking on the   icon.

Content Description

Root WebSpace Content and Navigation





The Websby Header Bar contains a number of useful features.  While the icons on the Header Bar change in different situations, the Websby Header Bar is always present when you are working in Websby.  On the left are navigation links.  This area allows you to Navigate Up through the website from anywhere inside.  In the case of the Root WebSpace, the only area higher up is the school itself.  If you are in a Sub WebSpace, this area will display the parent WebSpace and clicking that name will take up up and out of the current WebSpace.  The Open In Browser icon, also available in the center dashboard area will, when clicked, open the website in a browser. This feature is available only from the Root WebSpace.  

On the right hand side of the Websby Header Bar are the icons that allow you to configure the various aspects of your site and, when in Layout View, also Feature the Dashboard link.



The Name of the current WebSpace is always visible in the Websy Header Bar.  It is important to be aware of which WebSpace you are in when creating content or working with the Layout.  When in the Root WebSpace (pictured), the Name of the WebSpace is also the name of the web site.


The Dashboard Link is always visible when the content objects are being displayed in the middle panel of the screen.  Clicking the Dashboard link will return you to the view pictured above.


Pages can be accessed by clicking on either of the Pages icons.  Doing so will replace the center section of the screen with the list of pages / documents located in the current WebSpace. From this listing area, you can edit existing documents or add new ones.  


The News Feed is almost exactly like any other group Feed in Edsby.  Feed posts in Websby do not require approval or special publishing to the web to be visible on the web. The News Feed icon or the Feed icon / word combination will expose the feed in the middle of the screen.


The calendar icon in the middle or icon / word combination at left will replace the middle area of the screen with the current WebSpace Calendar.


The folders area allows you to create new folders or modify existing ones.  Clicking the Folder icon in the middle of the screen or clicking the icon / word combination at left accomplish the same thing and will replace the middle area of the screen with the Folders Listing.  Note:  You can create a folder directly by clicking the small icon to the right of the icon / word combination in the left column.


Any WebSpace can contain other WebSpaces. In the case of the Root WebSpace, all WebSpaces that make up the entire website are accessed through the WebSpaces area. You may click on the large central icon or the icon / word combination at left to replace the middle of the screen with the WebSpaces Listing.  You can open any WebSpace in the list directly from the list below the icon / word combination in the left column.  Note:  You can also add a WebSpace directly by clicking the small icon to the left of the word / icon combination.


Available only from the Root WebSpace, the Open In Browser icon, located both in the middle of the screen, and on the Websby Header Bar, will open the current website in a browser.


The School icon is only available from the Root WebSpace and clicking on it will take you out of the Websby interface and back to the School Root Screen in Edsby.

Configuration Options

Root WebSpace Configuration Tools




Every WebSpace has a Layout associated with it. This is also true of the Root Webspace, and the Root Layout has some special characteristics unique to the whole website.  The website's Header Menu is configured in the Root Layout, and the individual layouts you create in the Root can be made to broadcast to all other layouts if you wish. The Root Layout can be accessed either through the large Dashboard panel or using the Configuration Menu icon in the Websby Header Bar. 


Websby uses individual configuration forms to determine how different content types can be displayed. The list of existing Configuration Forms is accessed so you can edit or create new ones by clicking the large Dashboard icon or the smaller icon in the Websby Header Bar. 


The images used centrally by the website's design components - things like logos, calendar icons, etc.  are uploaded to the Site Images folder. This special folder can be accessed by clicking on the large Dashboard icon or the smaller one in the Websby Header Bar.


Websby fonts are centrally created and managed for use throughout the site - primarily referenced in the Site Configuration Form or the various Object Configuration Forms.  You can manage the site's fonts by clicking the large Dashboard icon or the small one in the Websby Header Bar.  


In similar fashion to Fonts, site colors are also centrally managed in Websby. The Site Palette can be accessed through the large Dashboard icon or the smaller one in the Websby Header Bar.


The WebSpace Setup gives you access to the configuration form for the Root WebSpace itself.  You can Change your site's name and title, as well as add tags for SEO, and also set Automenu options.

Note: Automenu should not be used for a Root WebSpace.


In cases of emergency, the school Web Manager can broadcast a message to all web pages simultaneously in the form of a scrolling marquee that will appear at the top of each page. This icon will open the small form where the message, and a link that is associated with that message can be entered. As soon as the form is saved, the message will begin broadcasting and the message must be removed to stop the broadcast.


One of the key features of Websby is the sharing of publishing responsibilities.  Each WebSpace can be shared to any number of Web Publishers by opening the share dialog window associated with this icon.

Note: Do not share the Root WebSpace with anyone you do not wish to have access to the extra power it holds.


The Directory is a listing of all staff members in the school and this screen provides the tools to add or remove people from the Directory data stream.  This screen is to be used in conjunction with a dedicated WebSpace that you must set up to hold the directory page.


Icons Explained

Websby Icons Explained


Many of the Websby icons have several versions in that they may have one of the small symbols below added on to them. The symbols below are explained in the context of what they mean when they are on an icon


You may notice that icons for a give content area may or may not have a star in the icon.  The star indicates that a content area is set to automatically display itself in the Auto Menu or Magic Menu.  For more information on these terms, please see the Layouts Page.  The star symbol will appear at the Section Level icon (for example, the Pages Section) and / or at the individual object level (for example, a specific page).  Websby is configured such that all WebSpaces are by DEFAULT set to Auto Menu.



The gear symbol on an icon indicates that there is some form of configuration coming after you click the icon.



The plus sign on an icon usually indicates that clicking on the icon will add something to your website (a document, a form, a person, etc.)



These two symbols are two different icons themselves that indicate that a list is present or an additional section exists.  It could be a list of documents, menu items, or a section on a form that is collapsed to make the form more manageable.  The first symbol (the 'down' triangle) indicates that the list or section is in expanded view and clicking on it will collapse or contract the view.  

The 'side' triangle indicates that the list is in a collapsed view, and clicking on it will expand the view.

Web Manager Series Video Tutorials
Web Publisher Series Tutorial Videos
Websby Logo associated with a link to change the website to the editing mode Powered By Websby