There can be any number of Sub WebSpaces in a Websby website and they are all identically set up. WebSpaces always contain the same content objects: Pages, Feed, Calendar, Folders and Sub WebSpaces, and all WebSpaces have a layout. As a Web Manager, you can edit these layouts, however regular Web Publishers cannot and are limited to editing the content itself.
Websby WebSpaces are laid out such that content type options and access are on the left side and configuration options are on the right. The center area of the screen is generally replaced with the screen associated with whatever icon you click.
The WebSpace Admins column at the far right lets you know who has administrative access to the current webspace, and also any Web Publishers who have a link to it as well.
The image below shows the Dashboard view of the root WebSpace. Clicking on the various icons will present you with different views, but you can always return to the default, or dashboard view of the WebSpace by clicking on the icon.