Edit star
Edit star
The Websby Root WebSpace Layout Screen

Root Layout and Menus

The Websby Layout Manager is where you can set up the web page itself.  You do this by adding layouts - as many, and in as many combinations as you need.  Websby supports layouts of up to three columns and each Layout contains at least one Layout Panel, which is where you set the content to be displayed.  

Layout Panels can be associated with Pages, Feeds, Calendars, and Folders, but can also be made to list collections of these objects, and even display content from the internet in the form of widgets, etc.

 For more information about what a Websby Layout is and how it works.  

The image shown below depicts the Root WebSpace which is identical to sub WebSpace Layouts except for the following: 

  • Sub WebSpace layouts do not have a Header menu section (below).
  • Sub WebSpace layouts can not be Broadcast to other pages (see  below).

Root Layout Descriptions

Root WebSpace Layout Manager



The Websby Header Bar is almost identical in the Layout view as it is in the Dashboard view. The only Differences are that there is a link on the left side for the Home WebSpace, and a Dashboard icon on the right side of the bar that is not there in the Dashboard view.  Both of these links do the same thing and return the screen to the Dashboard view.


Clicking the  Dashboard Icon is a quick way to leave the Layout View of the WebSpace and return to the Dashboard view.


The Header Menu is located in the Root WebSpace and nowhere else. This section is not in any Sub WebSpace Layouts.  The Header Menu expands to allow for the creation and sorting of links that will appear on the site's Header Links Menu Bar.

NOTE: This section is only present in the Root WebSpace Layout and is not present on Sub WebSpace Layouts


The main section of the layout screen is almost the same in all Sub WebSpaces as it is in the Root WebSpace Layout. This area is where the different layouts are represented and where the Side Menu is located.  Menus created in the Root WebSpace Layout can be made to broadcast to all pages in the web site through a setting in the WebMaster's Site Configuration Form.  
For Web Managers, specific layouts located in the Root WebSpace Layout Manager can be made to broadcast to all other pages either above that page's own layout or at the bottom of it.



The Side Menu area will contain any links you create and those links will appear on the web page associated with the current web space only, unless the Side Menu is the Root WebSpace's Side Menu and the WebMaster has elected to display these links on all web pages.


The Add a Page Layout button will create a pop-up window that you can use to create a new layout. All new layouts will be added at the bottom of the existing layouts, but they can then be dragged to move them anywhere in the listing.  New in version 2 of Websby, is the Add a Page Layout from Template option that allows you to create pre-configured layouts, avoiding the need to set up your own from scratch.


Each Layout can have up to three columns and as many rows as needed, and it acts as a whole unit which can be moved up or down between other layouts simply by dragging the header area of the layout.   Any changes made in the order of the layouts will be immediately reflected on the website.


The top left badge indicates the nature of the current layout in terms of the number of columns that make it up.  Shown here is another badge that indicates if this layout will appear at the top or the bottom of all other layouts (web pages) in the website. 

NOTE: The Broadcast  Feature is only present in the Root WebSpace Layout and is not present on Sub WebSpace Layouts


Hovering the cursor over the header area of the layout will un-hide the buttons needed to edit the layout (add or remove columns) and also delete the current layout.  The Copy button is planned to become functional in a later release but may or may not be present in the view on your system. 


The calendar icon in the middle or icon / word combination at left will replace the middle area of the screen with the current WebSpace Calendar.


The Edit buttons within the panels themselves will bring up a form that you can use to set the Title of the Panel, whether it has borders, and, most importantly, what content will be displayed in the panel on the web. 


The current panel can be deleted by clicking on the x icon in the panel itself - not to be confused with the x icon in the layout, which will, if clicked, delete all panels in the currently selected layout.


Any number of layouts can be combined to present different overall page layouts.  Each can have between one and three columns, and any number of rows / panels.  This allows for a very flexible page architecture and the illustration here shows three column layout with the right-most column having two rows (two panels).  Layouts can be dragged up or down to change the order that they appear on the page, and within each layout column, the rows of panels can also be ordered vertically simply by dragging a panel above or below another panel in the column.  While these rows can be rearranged within a column, panels cannot be dragged from one column to another.


For more about how layouts work click here 

Web Manager Series Video Tutorials
Web Publisher Series Tutorial Videos
Websby Logo associated with a link to change the website to the editing mode