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About Websby Content Configuration Forms

In most cases, the content you display on your website will be formatted appropriately for your website without you doing anything more than selecting that content to be displayed in a panel or page.  In some cases however, you may need a feed to look differently than it normally does - different color titles, more or fewer buttons, different layout, etc..  Or, perhaps include more or fewer items when the page loads.  

Whatever the case, you can ask your Web Master to create a custom configuration for you to accomplish this special formatting.  Configuration forms are Edsby forms that have fields on them that tell the Websby Server how to style a specific feed, calendar, document, or the contents of a specific folder.   Your website is already set up to have a default look and feel for each content type that is available in menus or in the layout panels, so if you are happy with that, you need only point at the content in your link or panel.  

The Menu at left lists all of the content types that have default configurations associated with them, so that they render according to the most common usages of that content type.  Below is a list of these types, along with the most common usage of that content type:

Documents And Feeds

Content Type
Layout Panel Displays...
The Config Form Styles...
Single Document (Page) or Message  Individual page or feed message post The document or message itself
List of Documents A listing of all pages in a webspace that have "automenu" checkbox checked How the list itself is formatted
Document Slideshow A rotating display of all documents in a webspace that have the "automenu" checkbox checked How the slideshow works - background colors and how the 'slides' transition
Feeds A listing of some number of the most recent posts in a feed, usually with the title and a preview of the content How the list looks, whether a thumbnail image shows, whether a preview of the post is displayed, etc.
Document Slider Similar to a   
Feed Slider    
Feed List View    











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