The Document Slideshow Configuration Form

Documents can be displayed as a carousel (slideshow) in Websby, and the way that the slideshow functions can be customized by the Document Slideshow Configuration Form.  Since documents are usually of variable length, care must be taken to keep the documents included in the slideshow somewhat similar in length and style. 

The image below shows the Document Slideshow Configuration form, and underneath the image are the explanations of the numbered fields.



Document Slideshow Configuration Form Fields Explained

The configuration Name is the name that lets users identify the particular Configuration form they are looking for. Use descriptive names such as "Halloween Poster Config" for example


The Available to Users checkbox determines if this particular configuration form can be seen by users who have access to the layout panel in Websby.  If the checkbox is not checked, the form can only be used by Web Masters as a default configuration form.


The background color field will determine if documents using this configuration form have a white background or some other color.  Note, if dark backgrounds are used, make sure to set font colors that are visible against the background color.


Similar to the background color, documents can also have a background image which will display over top of the background color.  In some cases, you may wish to have a watermark or even a colorful background image, and the config form supports semi-transparent images which, if used, will display both the image, and at least some of the background color as set in 3 above (depending on the transparency of the image used)


If you use a background image for the document, you can choose if the image displays once (like a watermark for example), or if you wish the image to be tiled.  Tiling is generally used when you have a repeating pattern in an image that you wish to "tile" the background of the document with.


If the Show Document Title checkbox is checked, the title of the document as it appears in Edsby will be displayed. If unchecked, the title will not display.  Generally, site defaults are such that titles appear in documents that are being displayed in a full screen all by themselves, and titles are hidden for documents being displayed in a layout panel (the idea being that the panel title bar is probably a better place to put the title of the document in the panel). 


The font fields in the form all act in the same way. Each of the document attributes that are associated with a font (Title, paragraph formats from the document editor, and links) can have a different font setting. Fonts must be set up first in the root of the site, but then will be available in the form in the drop down list for each attribute.


In rare cases, a very special font is needed for a particular document.  The Override checkbox allows you to set custom fonts that will be used for any of the fonts that have the checkbox checked.  It is our recommendation that overides be used very judiciously.